The Constitution of the United States
Bill of Rights
1st Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
There are 535 people in Washington,
DC, that more or less rule the lives of 300 million plus United States citizens. Which there are 100 Senator’s
and 435 Representatives. They have made a shambles of this country. The United States
of America is in debt over its ears. Did it help with all of the ignorant bickering and spoiled only child
syndrome behavior? United we stand, divided we fall. We’re now divided and we’re
falling, or I should say have fallen. Can’t balance the budget? Get rid of the
waste and the pork barrel. Has anyone looked into what these politicians get for salary and the mega benefits?
Let them go to work for 10 dollars an hour with no insurance and let’s hear the whining! Let
them pay their own health insurance and let’s hear the whining. Tea Party! Yeah!
Idiots! For the first time in this nation’s history we have been downgraded financially.
Thanks all of you spoiled politicians for people losing a great share of the retirements we worked so hard for.
They sure as hell don’t lose theirs do they? Fat cats and lobbyists. Thanks
a lot. You sure earned my next vote when it comes to your re-election. A great majority
of politicians are just self serving BS artists that can’t make a living any other way than throwing out hogwash and
hoping we all believe it. They’re nothing more than con artists doing the shell game and laughing.
City of Geneva is governed by seven elected officials. Each I might add is there supposedly for us but
if any of the Geneva residents would take the time to read City Council Meeting minutes you will see that there’s another
pork barrel situation going on there. Everything brought on the agenda is passed as an “Emergency
Measure”. Come one people! Read the Council Meeting Minutes; connect the dots
with who is on council and the little things that are voted for. The City Manager seems to go to meetings,
and then hands it off to the Assistant City Manager. Plus isn’t the City Manager doing what I consider
as double dipping? Look at who’s on City Council, read the City Council Meeting minutes people!
Who owns what, where do they own it, where do they live, and why is everything considered an “Emergency Measure”?
Council is lucky that not many of the Geneva Citizens show up at the meetings and ask why, how come, what for.
In my humble opinion Geneva’s ruling body is nothing more than a “Good Ole Boy”, “Backroom”
run town. There’s a lot more to this than I’ll post at this time. I have
a long list of grievances that I will address and will put it on this site when all the t’s are crossed and the i’s
dotted. I’ll catch hell and tried to be intimidated but that does not matter to me. They’ve
done it before and I survived it. I have a home in Geneva but I also have one out of
Geneva. Let them put the pressure on and see who wins. This time I file a Federal Law
Suit when it happens and should have done it before but let it go. Not this time! There’s
a couple on council that I consider have a major Conflict of Interest. Stay tuned!